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MANURSURO (noun) ma/nur/su/ro


a person who help others to acquire knowledge, competences or values

When in an academic pursuit that targets an international range, it requires a physique of one person with the soul of millions of your countrymen. This is my dream of becoming a noble Manursuro.

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       I am John Lynton Juan Arucan, a 4th year college student of Mariano Marcos State University - College of Teacher Education, taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English. I recently became a participant of the SEA (Southeast Asian) Teacher Project of SEAMEO. 

          As a part of this SEA Teacher Project, I am honored to share to you my journey towards my dream of becoming a noble teacher. Enjoy your stay in my blog and may you have a wonderful day! 

  • Writer's picturelyntonarucan

Pedagogical Contents

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

I have always seen that a way before you could actually impress people of an environment and to adapt their work and maybe add some of your work that would bind a greater force is to initially observe. Observation helps not only from one party to my advantage but also for the other side for it can further realize some room for improvement.

Week 1 for meeting with the students, we were given time to actually introduce ourselves from students of X6, X7, and X8 or Grade 10-6, 10-7, and 10-8. Afterwards that meeting we were given the opportunity to observe one of the classes to analyze how does the teacher manages her class for us to know or get a glimpse of what we are handling in the next days.

The topic was the usage of 'too' and 'enough' in a chapter called 'too hot, and too cold.' so basically the teacher just gave the formula or the pattern on when to use 'too' and 'enough' and she let her students follow that rule into composing sentences. This is a method named Deductive method wherein the teacher gives a general rule and makes the students follow it. Inductive method on the other hand proposes a scenario to the students and let them create the rules themselves or discover themselves in language teaching.

Learning materials used in the classroom in our observation is just the book and the blackboard. The book was used as a source of materials as well as for activities because the book looked like a worktext which is a material of joined textbook and workbook.

When it comes to technology integration inside the classroom, it is considered as something optional in language teaching since as is stated before that they are more focused on the book provided by the government. The only technology based materials present was the overhead/non-overhead projectors because it varies per classroom and it is only used when being requested to the main office of the school.

One thing great about the observation though is that at the end of the lesson, they were tasked to have an authentic assessment which is to perform the learnings they have underwent through a role play. This is one thing that is consistent to all teachers, because i think they believe that a way for a child to truly understand a concept is for them to analyze it themselves via performance tasks.

Overall, this was a start of a new experience, new environment, and a new life to my dream. As I want to observe every single detail of the things that the teacher is implementing, the one thing that is very consistent is the students' eagerness to learn, which gave me more reasons to become the noble MANURSURO.

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